Friday, 10 February 2012

Results and Confusion

I talked to my doctor today and she was just as confused by the letter as I was and told me she would call the surgeon directly to see what was going on. He called her right away and within half an hour I’d heard back from her and had an appointment with the surgeon booked. I’m feeling very nervous for the appointment and was so happy I was out lunching with Dee when I got the calls to keep me sane! It went from see you in a year for another scan to can you please come in and see the surgeon at 8am Friday? He wants to see you first thing. Like oh my. I asked my endocrinologist a few questions about it but she told me she felt more comfortable if the surgeon answered questions about the procedure, guess that makes sense since he’ll be doing it. My question is though – if the scan clearly didn’t show anything, what exactly is he going to extract with those fancy tools of his?? The endo said it might be a more aggressive surgery this time…maybe taking out part of the pituitary gland and she kind of alluded to the possibility of taking the entire gland. I would really prefer to not have that happen. No sense freaking out about it until I hear more though. Good thing I was out though, if I’d been home alone I probably would have been in tears talking to the doctor. Although standing in a doorway on 17th Ave wasn't totally ideal either hahaha, man the red mile is a loud and busy street on a nice day! I asked if there were other treatment possibilities and she said she isn’t comfortable keeping me on the pills I’m on now longterm and that radiation therapy is an option but would have effects on pituitary function in 5-10 years. Nothing really sounds ideal. Its too bad I misplaced that magic wand of mine and cant just wish it all away on its own. I can’t believe that some people inflict this disease on themselves. I was reading that in some of my googling…it can be caused by taking too many steroids, which I clearly didn’t do haha. But really, not worth the risk people!! Find another way to bulk up haha. Weird though…something caused by taking steroids actually weakens muscles and bones. Ah well I don’t pretend to understand many things in life!! On the bright side I know how to get the doctors moving – get another doctor to phone them! Now Dad doesn’t have to fly out and yell at them like he wanted to haha. My poor parents, I know it is tough to be far away, mom wanted to come out to the appointment with me on Friday and Dad was ready to pay for private care. Lucky for me I’ve got friends here willing to even take time off work to go with me. I was going to go by myself since its so early in the morning, it is inconvenient and I feel bad asking, but Desiree insisted she wanted to go and Dee was going to go if Desiree wasn’t. They both felt quite strongly that it wasn’t an alone thing and I suppose they are right. I will feel better with someone else there to listen because I might miss something…plus if I hear bad news it would be better to have someone with me. Desiree already has her pad of paper ready apparently to take notes and suggested we record the appointment on her iphone hidden in her pocket in case we miss something haha. We’re like spies. Wish our mission was a tad more exciting though!

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